
About Us


A Canadian company at the service of Canadians

We want to do our part

For more than 5 years, our mission has been to help businesses across Canada save money in their operations. During the current crisis, it is our duty to support you by responding to the needs of this new reality.

Based in Saint-Hubert, Quebec, we are committed to do our part to preserve the health of all Canadians. We offer quality products, available now at a great price. Groupe Alliances is your ally to help you protect yourself from the Covid-19 !

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Unity is strength

Groupe Alliances is a private and selective network designed to connect its members in a context of business and shared interests to enable you to save and benefit of a wide range of professional services and be more efficient, at a lower cost.

Since 2014, we have been helping SMEs in Canada save money by pooling and sharing our strengths. We work, among other things, in the following areas:

Transportation and delivery


Management consultation

Payment solutions

Waste management

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Let's encourage the people of our country!


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